Strategies for Optimal HIV Treatment and Prevention

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In this comprehensive online program led by expert faculty, learn about implementation of rapid ART in newly diagnosed people with HIV, choosing an individualized first-line regimen for each patient, factors to consider when modifying therapy in virologically suppressed individuals or in patients with virologic failure, and evaluating patients for PrEP. Watch the Medical Minute videos and have your questions answered by faculty during the live webinars. Download the slides and patient education resources, listen to podcasts, and read the companion ClinicalThought commentaries.

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Anonymous Patient
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Kenric Ware, PharmD, AAHIVP


In this case-based discussion, learn about considerations for ongoing PrEP candidacy, including PrEP considerations with adverse effects such as weight gain, and risk of HIV acquisition after discontinuing PrEP.

person default Kenric Ware, PharmD, AAHIVP Released: January 20, 2023

In this case-based discussion, learn about how technology and social media can affect PrEP adherence and persistence.

person default Kenric Ware, PharmD, AAHIVP Released: January 23, 2023

I understand that a relationship requires a certain level of vulnerability, but I’d rather not be physically vulnerable. I’ll let my emotional guards down, but my physical guards stay up. It’s not that I don’t trust the other person—but PrEP is something I do just for me.

person default Anonymous Patient Released: January 4, 2023

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