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Medical Minute on Key Decisions in HIV Care: ART Considerations in the Inpatient Setting

In this case example, learn the data and recommendations for using ART in the inpatient setting including considerations for drug-drug interactions, renal and hepatic dose adjustments, food effects, swallowing difficulties and the importance of antiretroviral stewardship to avoid errors.
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Jason Schafer, PharmD, MPH
Released: February 7, 2022

Information on this Educational Activity


Jason Schafer, PharmD, MPH

Professor and Vice Chair
Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jason Schafer, MD, MPH, has disclosed that he has received funds for research support from Gilead Sciences and Merck and consulting fees from Merck and ViiV.

Program Medium

This program has been made available online.

Educational grant provided by:
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Janssen Therapeutics, Division of Janssen Products, LP
ViiV Healthcare

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